On 20 July 2016, Henk de Bruin and Gé van den Eertwegh took a working visit to the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG) of Forschungszentrum Jülich (D), invited by prof. dr. Sander Huisman. In the morning we were presented research results and discussed with Sander Huisman, Wolfgang Kurz, Hannah Fuchs, Alexander Graf, and Inge Wiekenkamp. Subjects were ‘soil water content – monitoring in time and space and integration of different monitoring techniques in time and space’, using COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System (COSMOS) and SOILNET monitoring networks. Also we talked about evaporation and ‘footprints of EC and COSMOS, with local land and water management aspects’. We further discussed the use of lysimeter-data (TERENO project). Also ‘catchment hydrology’ of the Wüstebach Einzugsgebiet (Eiffel) was discussed, with monitoring networks of 150 locations with soil moisture sensors and two locations with EC-sites. In the afternoon, we visited the Selhausen-testsite south of Jülich. We watched COSMOS-monitoring equipment, a field-rhizon-lab, meteostation and lysimeters. The latter consisted of four times a hexagon-setop of six lysimeters, with a service- and control well located in the middle.