SPECTORS Interreg V A Deutschland – Nederland

Cliënt: Operational Interreg V A program
Partners:  ISIS-IC GmbH, Planungs- und Vermessungsgesellschaft Ansperger mbH, GeSa Gesellschaft für Schaden- und Sicherheitsanalysen mbH, IMST GmbH, Jalasca GmbH, RheWaTech gemeinnützige UG, Thorsten Römer Engineering & Technologieberatung, Naturschutzzentrum im Kreis Kleve e.V., Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen, Regionalforstamt Niederrhein, Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz, Dronespective UG, Hochschule Rhein-Waal (HSRW), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Bureau Waardenburg BV, Innosieve Diagnostics BV, Obrasec B.V., EagleView Netherlands BV, SoilCares Research BV, WUR-WER, Oost NV–Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Oost Nederland, AeroVision BV, KWR Watercycle Research Institute BV, XpStagers BV, University of Twente Enschede, Wageningen UR, Van den Borne Aardappelen, Drone4Agro, Clear Flight Solutions, ProRail NV.

Period: 2016-2020
Objective: SPECTORS is a Dutch‐German high‐tech initiative to exploit the market potential of civil drones technology through sensor innovations for remote sensing and remote monitoring.


Very precise drone positioning in the centimeter range is paramount for many future applications, such as indoor architecture assessment or accurate quantitative short range surveying of building facades and other architectural structures. However, the accuracy of GPS is not high enough for such applications. Differential GPS improves the positioning but does not work indoors, in forests or in narrow streets with high buildings. Therefore we propose a novel combined positioning system, based on the fusion of several technologies: laser scanning and guidance, optical positioning with markers (image processing), and ultra‐wideband (UWB) transceivers (radio freq. RF triangulation).


  • Novel collaborative laser trackers for drones for triangulation and ranging
  • Novel laser data transmission and guidance system for drones
  • Robust optical positioning system with infrared markers also applicable to object tracking
  • Novel system fusion of laser tracker, optical positioning and UWB

Envisaged Deliverables at Project Completion

  • Laser Tracker Demonstrator for drones
  • Demonstrator of optical positioning system based on markers
  • Demonstrator of combined positioning system
  • Several novel services utilizing high accuracy positioning system
  • Concepts and first trials for novel services based on the innovations

After the completion of a project activity the resulting demonstrators will be entering further product development activities. RheWaTech will continue to work on instruments and software. The services concepts of the different service oriented partners will be refined and tested even with demonstrators or pre‐mature products. The development of instruments, devices, software and services will be continued in parallel. First results stable enough for an alpha testing phase with potential customers can be expected within one year. A product maturity level allowing marketing is to be expected within one to two years.

See: http://www.euregio.org/action/projects/item/111/spectors/